By taking part in E-counseling, you agree to take full responsibility for the way(s) in which you use, or don’t use the information that you receive.
You are responsible for any choices you make or actions you take, even if you believe that they are a result of, or connected to, e-counseling.
You will be asked to agree to the following disclaimer:
"I confirm that I have read and understood all information pertinent to use of this site. I attest that I am capable of making decisions and choices for myself and I understand that I am fully responsible for my own actions and choices.
I agree to release and forever discharge Integrationpoint Counselling Services and Todd Blattner (counsellor) including their respective employees, agents, successors and assigns of and from any and all liability, damages, actions, causes of actions, claims, demands, interest, costs, expenses and compensation of whatsoever kind and howsoever arising in connection to my participation in e-counseling.
I agree that all e-counselling sessions are understood to take place in and from Todd Blattner's home/office address in Vanderhoof, BC, Canada where he is a certified counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. As such, all sessions fall under the jurisdiction and purview of Canadian law and of the certification and overview of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.
I declare that I am 19 years old, or older, and that I am legally and mentally competent to, and capable of, reading, understanding, and agreeing to the conditions above. I furthermore again declare that I accept responsibility for my own actions and choices, that I have read this release in its entirety, and that I agree to all conditions as written in this agreement."