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Your privacy, and the confidentiality of your communication is important - but e-mail is not always a very private form of communication. (For a brief description of the level of privacy you can expect from an e-mail, click on this link to e-mail privacy information. For a more recent and detailed article, click here).


If you are not overly concerned about privacy, you are welcome to write to me using your own e-mail account. However, I will be using a secure e-mail system, called “Tutanota” for all of my letters to you. If you would like to ensure the security and privacy of your letters to me, it is quite simple to create a free e-mail account. To do this, just click on this Tutanota link and follow the instructions from there.


You are responsible for privacy and security at your end. If you use the Tutanota system, you will be able to store your letters in a secure environment. If you use your own e-mail system your messages will not be secure.


Your Information

I will ask you for your name and email address so that I can communicate with you. I also need to know your country and state, province or region of residence in order to comply with licencing regulations. THIS INFORMATION WILL NEVER BE SOLD, TRADED, OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE*. It is collected to enable the on-line counseling relationship between us, and it will be used for the purposes of our communication only. 


Information collected by Paypal for payment purposes is encrypted and used only by Paypal.


* The only exception to this is in the highly improbable event that I am required by law to do so.

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